Heide Hernandez Jimenez
This week, the spotlight is on 2017-2018 CHCACT AmeriCorps member Heide Hernandez Jimenez. Heide shares details about her AmeriCorps experience at Southwest Community Health Center in Bridgeport.
Why did you decide to join the STICH AmeriCorps program?
Heide: Access to affordable and high-quality health care is a human right that I strongly believe in. I had been working in North Carolina with SAF (Student Action with Farmworkers) as a Health Fellow and was looking to do similar work once I moved back home to Connecticut. While I was looking for work, I stumbled upon the STICH AmeriCorps program. The opportunity to use my outreach, language skills, and health education experiences sealed the deal for me.
What has been the most meaningful experience you've had during service thus far?
Heide: Teaching health education to all the wonderful elementary school aged children. They’re such a blast to work with!
If you had to describe your AmeriCorps experience in five words, what would that be? Why?
Heide: Meaningful, Insightful, Triumphant, Rocky, and Supported
Every day is so different, each experience as diverse as the next. All of them have been meaningful and insightful and I’ve learned so much. Sometimes things are a little tough but, at the end of the day, I leave triumphant knowing that if I even helped one person, it was a good day.
How has service, so far, changed you and your perspective of the world?
Heide: I don’t think my perspective itself has changed but it has definitely reinforced the importance community health centers and the impactful service they provide to the community.
What advice would you give to those interested in participating in AmeriCorps?
Heide: Definitely do it! I’d say get involved with your local community health center or community centers. They do such great work, being involved with them before joining AmeriCorps can only make your experience that the more meaningful.